lördag 15 augusti 2009

Spinal Tap

Idag förgyllde jag min dag med att köpa en guitar world som jag sedemera bläddrade lite i. Som tur var fanns det en intervju med Spinal Tap med och jag blev så glad att jag måste återge en bit av den här, hoppas jag inte blir stämd av tidningen eller något:

GW: Guitarists are going to love "Short and Sweet".
Nigel Tufner: Oh! That's a good one. It's not short or sweet, obviously. [...] Originally, it was short and sweet, and then it ended. Then it expanded. On the record we got some guests playing with us.
GW: They're quite impressive: Phil Collen, John Mayer and Steve Vai. But you got all these amazing guitarists to join you, and yet the first guy to play a solo is the organist.
Tufner: That's because your thinking is in a box, you see. It's because you are a guitar player, correct?
GW: True.
Tufner: Exactly, So you're prejudiced, basically. You can't wait...the guitar solo is coming...boom! Organ. [...] There should be a warning on the label, maybe, is what you are saying-a sticker that says, "Warning! Organ first." For some people it might be overwhelming to wait eight bars for three guitar solos in a row.

2 kommentarer:

Mondo Guitarro sa...


We are going to make you an offer you can't refuse: Come the day, you will sell us the soul of your firstborn, at the crossroads, on the seventh night of the seventh moon! If you fail us, your guitar will never play in tune again.


Björn Östby sa...

Oj oj, Jag kan inte vänta! berätta mer, snälla!