söndag 29 juni 2008


Jag tänkte bränna av en top 10 lista på sköna filmcitat enligt mig. Och då menar jag inga töntiga citat som "I'll be back" och sånt trams, utan riktiga. Så, without further ado:

1. Hudson: Hey, maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal! (Aliens).

2. Walter Sobchak: Your wheel! At fifteen m-p-h I roll out! I double back, grab one of 'em and beat it out of him! The uzi! (Big Lebowski)

3. Gösta: Nu får det bära eller brista! (Vi hade iallafall tur med vädret).

4. Turkish: I fail to recognize the correlation between "losing 10K", "hospitalizing gorgeous" and "a good deal". (Snatch)

5. Marsellus: I'm prepared to scour the the Earth for that motherfucker. If Butch goes to Indochina, I want a nigger waiting in a bowl of rice ready to pop a cap in his ass. (Pulp Fiction).

6. Ernie McCracken: Hi... not you... hi. (Kingpin).

7. Nursing Home Orderly: You can trouble me for a warm glass of shut-the-hell-up. Now, you will go to sleep or I will put you to sleep. Check out the name tag. You're in my world now, grandma. (Happy Gilmore).

8. Clarence Boddicker: C'mon Dick. Your company built the fuckin' thing. Now, I gotta deal with it, I don't have time for this bullshit. (Robocop).

9. Mr. Pink: I don't wanna kill anybody. But if I gotta get out that door, and you're standing in my way, one way or the other, you're gettin' outta my way. (Resevoir Dogs).

10. Clarence Worley: I mean look at her. It looks like she fell off the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. (True Romance).

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